PATH 3610 Study Guide - Final Guide: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Alveolar Cells, Pulmonary Compliance

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Alveolar injury: interstitial lung disease aka interstitial pneumonia aka diffuse alveolar damage tissues of air spaces. Stem cell: regeneration of endothelial later differentiate into type i pneumocytes. Endothelial cells -very thin, very little cytoplasm (like the type i p) Blood-air interface: very thin but needs to be thin for effective gas exchange (also very vulnerable) Critical for efficient gas exchange, effects on compliance (ex. fibrous tissue formation in interface reduces compliance) Will eventually differentiate into type i p and lung will return back to normal (in ideal situations) Permanent change in lung permanently impairs lung function. Reduce pulmonary compliance stiff and inelastic increases work of breathing. Reduce lung capacity reduced tidal volume lung is more rigid, can"t take in as much, can"t exhale as much. Common cause of severe respiratory disease = in patients hospitalized for other disease. Bad news: 36% mortality vs. good news: return to normal lung function in survivors.