HROB 2100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Punctuated Equilibrium, Information Overload, Charismatic Authority

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The charter of rights and freedoms serves to protect the rights of all canadians under. Describe the charter of rights and freedom. Describe these types of discrimination: direct, indirect, intentional, and unintentional. Direct deliberately refusing to hire/train/promote a worker based on prohibited grounds. Indirect less quantifiable than direct discrimination because there may be external factors. Intentional when a single employee is asked to do something that other employees in the same standing are not asked to do. Unintentional typically embedded in policies and practices that appear neutral on the surface but are adverse to some groups. They are classifications that a worker may fall under. Age, race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, physical disability and family status are all examples of these classifications. Bona fide occupational requirement a justifiable reason for discrimination. Reasonable accommodation the requirement to adjust practices/policies so that no individual is prevented from doing their job.