HROB 2100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Big Five Personality Traits, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Culture

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Document Summary

Federal laws: federally regulated employers (civil service, crown corp and agencies, transportation, banking) Provincial/territorial employment laws: all other employers (90% of canadian workers) Canadian charter of rights and freedoms: the basic rights for all canadians, this charter sets out rights and freedoms that canadians believe to be important and protects canadians rights and freedoms. Human rights legislation: provides protection from discrimination. Employment standards legislation: minimum terms and conditions of employment. Ordinary laws: content or context specific. Treating someone differently passed on prohibited grounds (such as colour, sex, age, marital status, religion, disability, sexual orientation) Refusing to hire, train, or promote an individual, for example, on any prohibited grounds. Differential or unequal discrimination: treating an individual differently in any aspect of terms and conditions of employment based on any of the prohibited grounds. An employer agency only referring male candidates for consideration as management trainees or instruct supervisors that racial minorities are to be excluded from consideration for promotions.