BIOL 1090 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sister Chromatids, Spindle Apparatus, Y Chromosome

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Final products of mitosis are two identical diploid cell. Each mitotic chromosome is comprised of a pair of identical sister chromatids. G1 phase: growth and cellular metabolism, 10hr. S phase: dna synthesis and chromosome duplication, 9hr. G2 phase: preparation for mitosis, 4hr. Interphase: the time between successive mitoses (g1 + s + g2) the mitotic spindle and facilitate replication of the ends of the linear dna. Telomeres resist degradation by dnases, prevent fusion of chromosomal ends, Centromere provide the point of attachment of chromosomes to microtubules in. Cohesin ring shaped protein added to the dna at interphase, functions to hold. Condensin v-shaped protein added to dna at the beginning of mitosis, functions to compact or condense the dna fiber of chromatin within one sister chromatid. Mitosis sister chromatids together after dna synthesis but before cell enter into mitosis. Interphase: chromosomes duplicate to produce sister chromatids, held together by cohesin, the centromere is duplicated.