CMNS 321 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Simon Frith, Musicology, Emile Berliner

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Cmns 321: the cultural production of popular music midterm exam notes. Interested in the cultural and technological, political practices that have come to shape the production of popular music. What is popular music: follow inclusive definition of popular music that isn"t just limited to pop music . Social and aesthetic prejudices about popular music in the academy. It is not serious and its not are: fun things are never serious and serious art is never fun . It"s too simple to be studied seriously: some parameters and forms of musical expression are intrinsically more important than others. Musicology did not work for the study of popular music because musicologist focus on music on the paper (aka classical music) Bob dylan lyrics affect us through our ears rather than our eyes. Lyrical analysis people mishear lyrics to their favorite songs but it does not affect their enjoyment of the song.