CMNS 321 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Middle Passage, Minstrel, Everytime

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Week 1 the study of popular music. But it is illogical, ethnocentric and undemocratic elitist. Social and aesthetic prejudices about popular music in the academy. A definition of popular music that isn"t just limited to pop music. Its not serious and its not art. Its too simple to be studied seriously. We can make the song our own. Making a song your own. Collect music as a possession. Criticism of music and the artist. People produce and consume what they are capable of producing and consuming. Different age => different style => different class. Technology changes production forces: commercial - > made to sell, functions of popular music. Black music defines the idea of blackness : creation rather than expression. Explaining who we are and how we fit in society: uses intense emotional experiences. Contain social meaning: experience of placing. We are drawn to effective and emotional alliances with the performers: qualities and abstractness.