BPK 241- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 76 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Importance of preparation: decrease incidence of injuries, decrease severity of injuries. Primary prevention- to prevent an injury or illness. Secondary prevention- once an injury or illness has occurred. Tertiary prevention- when original function of the tissue cannot be restored. Reduce long term impairment, improve quality of life. Endurance: cardiac output (co)= heart rate (hr) x stroke volume (sv, fitness proportional to 1/ resting hr, exercise for 30 minutes with a hr of 150bpm, 3 times a week. Isometric- contraction of muscle without changing length -least stressful. Sport specific- golf swing, shooting a basketball, breast stroke. Skills: gross vs fine motor skills- large movements vs small movements, open vs closed motor skills- open involves reacting to a changing environment and closed involves a set environment. Equipment- absorbs energy, disperses energy, deflects a blow, limits excess movement: goggles, helmets, footwear, braces/tape/splints, supporters.