NSE 13A/B Midterm: Week 5 notes

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Temperature, pulse, respiration, oxygen saturation and pain assessment. Age, sex, loc, skin colour, & facial features. Stature, nutrition, symmetry, posture, position, & body build/contour. Facial expression, mood/affect, speech, dress & hygiene. Bmi: normal 18. 5 to 24. 9, weight (kg) divided by height (metres squared) Vital signs: tpr and bp fifth vital sign - pain: measurement of vital signs provides data: >to determine a client"s usual state of health, response to medical & nursing therapy. response to physical & psychological stress. Can indicate: a change in physiological function may signal the need for medical or nursing intervention. Determinations of health problems: are made when - nurse learns the physiological variable influencing vital signs recognizes the relationship of vital sign changes to other physical assessment findings. Only then can precise determinations of the client"s health problems be made. With every beat the heart pumps blood into the aorta (70 ml)