BMS 150 Study Guide - Final Guide: Proofreading, Sanger Sequencing, Restriction Enzyme

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Introduction to the human genome bms 150 final exam review. The cell, structure and mitosis (6 questions on exam) Humans are eukaryotes (true membrane enclosed nucleus) Genome resides in the nucleus and does not leave. 120 trillion cells in the human body. Each cell expressed a different array of genes from other cells allowing specialization. Every cell has the same genome: exceptions include: rbc, sperm and eggs. Unfertilized egg has on copy of human genome, fertilized has two copies, one from mom and one from dad) Cytoplasm and cytoplasmic organelles (like organs within the cell) Located between the plasma membrane and the nucleus. Water with solutes, proteins salts and sugars. Metabolic machinery of cell; each with specialized function; either membranous or non-membranous: inclusions. Are typically stored nutrients, pigments and secreted products. Endoplasmic reticulum: is a network of membranes that form channels in the cytoplasm, smooth. Lipids that will become parts of the plasma membrane are made here: rough.