BMS 150 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Tubulin, Nitrogenous Base, Synapsis

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Genetic diseases/disorders can now be treated or prevented. Biotechnology is growing, and we should keep up with the language used in the medical community to protect ourselves & keep up with the times. Lots of specialized cells each cell carries the same genome, but different genes are activated to produce different cells with different functions. Each cell is constantly growing, changing, and splitting. Genome cookbook analogy: (cid:272)an"t take the (cid:272)ook(cid:271)ook (cid:894)dna(cid:895) out of the li(cid:271)(cid:396)a(cid:396)y (cid:894)nu(cid:272)leus(cid:895) so you copy the pages you need (genes) so you have copies (mrna). Because the mrna is an inverted copy and needs to be turned into protein, it needs to be translated by rrna (ribosome rna) and trna. Amino acids are matched with each individual mrna molecule and folded within themselves into protein. Needs to be extra large so it can help support a potential fetus. Longest cells are nerves (spine to big toe) Cytosol: water with dissolved salts and nutrients.