POLS 280 Study Guide - Final Guide: Intersectionality, Gender Role, Parental Leave

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Pols 280 week 9 women in legislature: Decision-making positions: influential positions that make tangible differences in legislature, eg. Prime minister, president: statistically dominated by men. Private members bills: executive control of legislative agenda, bills by private members, no time limit on how long the bill can be debated. Critical mass: the way presence is converted to influence in the form of a numerical threshold a minority must attain coupled with their willingness and ability. Typically 30: normalisation of women"s presence (cid:523)critical mass(cid:524) must be. (cid:498)decision-making positions(cid:499) are essential for legislators to make change. House of commons = 26% (up from 25% in 2011) 5 women ministers = secretaries of state and are not full ministers: all men in cabinet full members, before trudeau secretaries paid less, answer to senior ministers, cannot sign orders in council. Most influential positions (finance, foreign affairs, defence, deputy pm) historically male dominated.