PSYCH 2AA3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Situationist International, Authoritarian Personality, Trait Theory

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The measurement of individual differences: a) certain psychological properties and processes are universal. For trait theorists, these dimensions of individual differences are building blocks of which personality is constructed: this raises a fundamental problem . People are inconsistent: casual observation is sufficient to confirm that personality traits are not the only factors that control an individual"s behaviour: situations are important as well. Does the personality of an individual transcend the immediate situation and provide a consistent guide to her actions, or is what person does utterly dependent on situation: 2. Are common, ordinary intuitions about people fundamentally flawed, or basically correct: 3. Why do psychologists continue to argue about the consistency of personality, when the basic empirical questions were settled long ago: mischel never meant to say that personality does not exist, the situationist argument has three parts, 1. Therefore, situations are more important than personality traits in determining behaviour (origin of term situationism: 3.