HLTHAGE 2L03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Biological Process, Morphine, Rat Park

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Document Summary

People who are addicted are violating social norms. People are choosing to deviate because they have autonomy and agency. War on drugs - government tried everything to ban drugs and ensure people don"t have access to them. Didn"t work - legal crackdowns, people treat substances differently, people treat substances different with different status. Psychological components - dependence, tolerance, withdrawal, permanence, progressive. Susceptibility model - people have disease due to genetics/inherently. Genes don"t guide drug use but prolong it. Genes have protective properties - could be less sensitive to drug. Exposure model - addicted because of drug, everyone get addicted who tries. Dopamine - encourages behavior that leads to survival / drugs stimulate brain. Both perspectives assume it"s a disease and its progressive. Supported (md professionals, treatment industry, producers, recovery movement) Partially destigmatizes - someone does not have choice, but blaming of addict might make it worse. Loss of control (exposure model) - substances cause addiction.