CMST 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Gary Hustwit, Internet Addiction Disorder, Bluetooth

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4 themes of course : mediated culture (not a direct experience), creativity(images in science), design is communication (understanding how we comprehend images and how we make them), participatory/remix culture (still image composition) Digital society- in a digital society multimedia content is accessed, shared, utilized and created by millions of individuals. Multimedia - a combination of diverse media, especially electronic media, mostly expressive or objective. Exercise #1 observation/mediated through technology goals of project. Mediated technology - the use of technology to communicate with others, replaces face-to-face communication, typically involving fewer senses and mediation of content. Auto-amputation - sense that has been extended through technology + reduces the over stimulation to reach equilibrium. (mcluhan"s the gadget. Surveillance - monitoring of the behaviour and activities of people or groups usually for the purpose of influencing, managing, directing or . Mixed reality- communicating with things in our environment i. e. ordering off an app, buying movie tickets off your phone,wireless bluetooth ,