CMST 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cochlear Implant, Virtual Community, Andrew Keen

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4 themes of the course: mediated culture: not a direct experience. I. e. , seen photographs of pyramids, has a perception of what they may look like. Requires interpretation: participatory/remix culture- fan culture and engaging. Creating our own imagery, extends movies, characters, television shows etc. Multimedia: combination of diverse media using more than one medium of expression or communication. Auto-amputation: sense that has been extended through technology and reduces the over stimulation to reach equilibrium (mcluhan"s the gadget lover ) Surveillance: the monitoring of the behavior and activities of a group of people, usually for the purpose of influencing, managing, directing or protecting. Surveillance technologies: credit cars, tracking devises, drug testing, airport scanners. Mixed reality: blending of our information systems (ubiquitous/pervasive computing) use phone to lock garage, buy movie tickets while in line. Augmented reality: google glass, view digital content through a device to enhance the background, which is reality. Augmented virtual reality: real physical data is brought into a virtual world.