[PHGY 209] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 162 pages long Study Guide!

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The main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain is y-aminobutyric acid (gaba). The postsynaptic receptor responsible for the ipsp is called the gaba a receptor. Activation of the gabaa receptor causes influx of cl-, which hyperpolarizes the postsynaptic membrane. Gabaa receptors are potentiated by a variety of drugs, including benzodiazepines (e. g. xanax), barbiturates (e. g. Gabaa receptors are potentiated by a variety of drugs, including benzodiazepines (e. g. xanax), barbiturates (e. g. pentobarbital) and ethanol. A typical cortical neuron receives thousands of synaptic inputs, some excitatory, others inhibitory. The output of the neuron, on the other hand, is the all-or-none firing of action potentials down the axon: neuron integrates all excitatory and inhibitory activities. A lot of places in the nervous system have long axons: neurons are relaying info from one place to another projection neurons. Smaller local neurons are connecting the larger neurons interneurons. Glutamate synapses have both ionotropic receptors (ampa and nmda receptors) and metabotropic glutamate receptors (mglur"s: mglur binds glutamate.