SOCI 3410 Study Guide - Final Guide: Authoritarianism, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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Lecture #12 april 5th /16 final lecture. Tested on the state of policing in canada. Use of force model: escalaion, john macnamera. When police use force they are most likely to use it in environments they control (ex: the staion) More then of unduced coercion 1+ oicer was present (?) Crim course, communicaions course, crim code course, etc: content needs to relect the issues of today, they need to spend a year in the ield on probaion like a ride along. Validate their training: teach them that 20% of people are commiing 80% of the crimes. Are current system is based on the belief that we all have potenial to be criminal. People in charge: people training oicers should be ired, they were relevant 20yrs ago but not today! We need trainers who know things about mental illness, racism, communicaion, mediaion, de-escalaion, etc. The sister of the man killed by police: fear of police, mike _______