SOCI 3410 Final: Final Exam Review

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We need a standard higher of accountability, they occupy a very unique place in our social system. Therefore, when they do things which are not in accordance with the confounds of the law they have drastic effects. Training is key: there is an over-emphasis on the use of force, fire arms competency and physical fitness. We are training them with the methodology that is not in sync with the things happening on the street. Policing has changed over the years, they didn"t have the same tupe of problems 20 years ago. Reality of policing rather than theory of policing: expose you to the hard issues that are happening right now. Role of policing under the police act of ontario . Amendments have recently been made on how they will conduct street check. While it helps, it doesn"t fix things. It is a waste of time to file a complaint against the police, because all they do is protect themselves.