PSYC 3702 Study Guide - Final Guide: Auditory Scene Analysis, Cumin, Depth Perception

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3702 final qs & as: gestalt grouping principles describe various conditions associated with the perceptual processes leading to disparate portions of the retinal image being seen as belonging with one another. List any 5 of these principles and provide an example of how each might be used in product design work. (2 points each). Similarity: occurs when objects look similar to one another often perceive as a group or pattern. Continuation: occurs when the eye is compelled to move through one object and continue to another object. Closure: occurs when an object is incomplete or a space is not completely enclosed. If enough of the shape is indicated, people will automatically perceive whole image by filling in the missing space. Proximity: occurs when elements are placed close together and tend to be perceived as a group because unity occurs. Figure and ground: the eyes differentiate an object from its surrounding area.