PSCI 1100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Causative, United States

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Identity: how groups and individuals are defined in society all multi faced identities have impact on political behaviour (multiplicity of identities): class identity, gender identity, religious identity, all multi faceted identities have impact on political behaviour, multiplicity of identities (cid:224) if i ask who you are, you"re going to say many things. Ethnicity collective ancestry: nation clearly defined territory, nation could be shared principles, can have many ethnic groups in one nation or just one ethnic group in one nation, ethnic conflict: struggles between ethnic groups to achieve political or economic goals at each other"s expense, national conflicts: are struggles between groups over sovereignty, nations without states (cid:224) kurds, romas. Legitimate authority: geertz ideology as a cultural system , motivates +justifies, normative + causative, progressive or preservationist, system of order, formal, collective, publicly expressed community, and both provide their adherents with core texts, prophets, and a promise of salvation.