PSYC 2P20 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: External Validity, Internal Validity, Head I

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Theoretical vs. practical knowledge focus on internal validity (ability to say that this caused this with confidence: external validity (trying to figure out how the mind works through experimentation) Theoretical knowledge (how can we make this work?: practical knowledge (how can we make this safer?) Typically measure speed &/or accuracy of responses and infer nature of mental processing based on pattern of responses. Two independent variables: response time (how fast you go ; measured in milliseconds) and accuracy (fast is only better if you"re accurate) Fast and accurate = good e. g. , semantic priming trial 1. Cat trial 2 rt = 470 ms trial 2 rt = 500 ms. Word dog means something to you when given the word dog; so suppose on trail 1 you get the word dog all these other words like cat come up in your head. I could create a control condition by simulating it with something similar that has no relation to.