MGMT1136 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Sole Proprietorship, Social Entrepreneurship, Human Capital

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Dynamic, risk taking, creative and growth oriented behaviour that results in the creation of new opportunities for both individuals and organisation. An entrepreneur is willing to pursue opportunities in situations others view as problems. An entrepreneur starts new ventures that bring to life new products or services. Micro view - traits: internal focus on control, desire for independence, high need for achievement, high energy level, action-oriented. Macro view: environmental school of thought, financial/capital school of thought, displacement school of though. Government assists through the provision of: business grants, financial subsidies, tax incentives, joint ventures, provision of technical and management training, tax incentives. Idealists: rewarded by chance to work on something creative and new. Optimisers: get personal satisfaction from being business owners. Hard workers: throve on the challenge of building a larger and more profitable business. Jugglers: high energy people who enjoy handling every detail of their own business. Sustainers: enjoy chance to balance work and personal life.