BUS-W 212 Quiz: Intro to Entrepreneurship Exam 1 Review

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13 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Where does the word entrepreneur come from french word entreprendre , meaning to undertake. Generation e dr. k believes this generation is the entrepreneurial generation and we want to be our own boss and invent things. Over 600,000 new businesses per year are established. The main failure of most small businesses is that many entrepreneurs are too technical and not entrepreneurial enough to make the business work. Adam stern pushed office politics as most important takeaway of his lecture. Don"t chase money chase excellence, money follows excellence jeff hoffman. Richard johnson school of entrepreneurship named after him and he was famous for adding convenience stores to gas stations in indiana. Small business owners manage their own business by expecting stable sales, profits and growth. They don"t invent anything new just own the store. Entrepreneurs seek rapid growth and immediate profits. Entrepreneurial mindset represents the cognition and commitment to the view the world with an innovative perspective.