BIO1011 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Retrotransposon, Reverse Transcriptase, Noncoding Dna

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Genomes can vary in terms of: single nucleotide base changes, total dna content, the number of genes they carry, sequence repeats, organisation of genome. From transposons: transposase enzymes copy transposons, and insert them into other locations of the genome. Unequal crossing over: transposable elements link at the wrong place, causing uneven crossing over, one chromatid will have extra genes, the other will have genes deleted. Retrotransposons: rna is created from a retrotransposon, then reverse transcriptase creates the new retrotransposon from the rna, this is then inserted into the genome somewhere else. Gene duplicates may: lose functionality, evolve a new function. Observations of change, extinction and transitional forms between species. Species diversification reflects geological history of the earth. Individuals that live in different habitats are unable to mate. Breeding occurs at different times of year so cannot mate. Differences in appearance or behaviour means that individuals do not recognise each other as the same species so do not mate.