NEUR30004 Study Guide - Final Guide: Locus Coeruleus, Thalamus, Nociception

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1 of information from the two body halves, attention, learning and memory. Sii receives inputs from si and directly from the thalamus. The medial pain system involves limbic structures such as the insula and cingulate cortex. Note that insula has an anterior and posterior part and is comprised of gyri, just like the cortex. The cingulate cortex also has notional subdivisions referred to as the posterior, mid and anterior cingulate cortex. These aren t definable on the macroscopic scale, but rather reflect subtle cellular differences and differences in the types of processing performed. Question: noxious stimulation results in changes in gene expression within the central nervous system. Different chronic pain states generate unique neurochemical signatures in the nervous system. Neur30004 workshop: pain and nociceptive systems part 4: endogenous analgesia. Systems neurons in regions within the forebrain and brainstem that are in receipt of painful inputs almost invariably project back to the areas of origin of the ascending pathways.