NEUR30004 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nociception, Filum Terminale, Spinothalamic Tract

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1 crossing the midline to the contralateral side of the cord and entering the white matter columns. Systems question: many of the sensory inputs to lamina 1 are peptidergic. ______ on the specimens, now trace this second order pain pathway to its termination sites in the brainstem and cerebrum. Many of the fibers contained in the anterolateral columns convey pain and temperature sensations to the somatosensory processing regions of the thalamus. Other fibers in the anterolateral columns, however, terminate lower down the neuraxis, in the brainstem. These are similarly named based on their origin (i. e. , spino") and termination sites. Complete the table below and find each of these structures on the specimens provided anterolateral tract name termination site function spinothalamic tract. Ventrobasal thalamus crude sensation, relay to cortex spinoreticular tract. From wan et al front mol neuro 2017:9,167 neur30004 workshop: pain and.