22 Feb 2018

Define germ theory and explain its relationship to public health.

Be able to define public health and provide examples of public health initiatives.

Identify the importance of equity in public health.

Describe and discuss the “Key Determinants of Health” as illustrated in the text.

Discuss the significance of the demographic transition. Explain the health consequences of this transition.

Describe the epidemiological transition. Explain how the epidemiological and demographic transitions are interrelated.

Describe the Tuskegee Study and discuss the ethical issues related to it.

Discuss the issues involved in the use of humans in clinical research studies today. Discuss requirements for approving such studies and safeguards for participants.

Discuss the ways in which two specific international laws relate to health.

What is global health governance and how does it differ from global governance for health?

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
24 Feb 2018
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