15 Dec 2018

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of bacterial operons?

Question 20 options:

an operon may be switched "off" and "on" by concentrations of molecules in the cell

a single mRNA transcript from an operon encodes multiple polypeptides

enhancers and transcription factors play key roles in switching each gene of an operon "on" and "off"

genes within one operon have related functions

one promoter serves multiple genes

Suppose an individual is born into a population with a novel mutation. Is the new mutation an evolutionary change, and why?

Question 21 options:

yes, because new mutations are always adaptive

yes, because the appearance of a new genetic variant is a genetic change in a population

no, because it is not a big enough change to count

no, because most mutations are not adaptive

no, because not enough individuals have the mutation for it to matter

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
18 Dec 2018

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