13 Dec 2018

1. Susannah is 43 years old. She weighs 185 pounds and is 5 foot 2 inches tall. Her body fat percentage is 37%. What is her BMI? What category does she fall into? Are there limitations to BMI? What are they?

2. As mentioned in Question 1, Susannah weighs 185 pounds. Her body fat percentage is 37%. She wants to be 26% body fat. What would her desired body mass be if she did achieve 26% body fat?

3. Susannah does not exercise and has a poor diet. She is willing to make some changes because she wants to lose some weight. She agrees to do the following: 1.) She will walk aerobically 4 times per week for a caloric expenditure of 225 calories per walk. 2.) She will do Zumba two days per week for 430 calories per session. 3.) She will eliminate her cookies and milk that she has every night. That accounts for 280 calories per night. Using information from your results from Question 1 and 2, how long will it take for Susannah to lose her weight?

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
14 Dec 2018

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