22 Aug 2018

Please answer all the questions


1. Chargaff’s rule –

2. Semiconservative replication –

Fill in the Blank

3. Adjacent nucleotides are held together by a covalent bond called a _____________________ bond.

4. ________________________________ is the enzyme the adds nucleotides to the free 3’ hydroxyl group on a growing stand of DNA.

True or False

5. Hershey and Chase determined that DNA was the material of heredity when radiolabeled sulfur from a virus was injected in to an E. coli cell.

6. After coinfecting E. coli with “heavy” and “light” viral DNA, Meselson and Weigle observed a range of densities in the CsCl gradient which was evidence for recombination between the two stands of DNA.

Short Answer

7. Describe what happens when DNA replicates making sure to include the enzymes involved in the process.

8. Describe the experiments by Griffith, Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty that provided evidence for transformation and identified the transforming principle?

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
22 Aug 2018

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