28 Mar 2019

1. What protects the leaf against desiccation and stress from other environmental factors? Select one: a. Stomata b. Mesophyll c. Epidermis d. Cuticle

2. Match the monocot stem terms to their definitions.

a) support the stem structurally and are dead fibrous cells that have thick walls

Answer choices: Parenchyma Phloem Sclerenchyma Xylem

b) transport water and nutrients up from the roots

c) characterized by large vacuoles, which store nutrients and food.

d) transport sugar formed in the leaves by photosynthesis to the rest of the plant to be used as food.

3. Match the eudicot stem terms to their definitions.

a)surrounds and protects the vascular bundle

Answer choices: Parenchyma Collenchyma Pericycle Cambium Pith

b)center portion of the stem

c) located underneath the collenchyma

d) strengthen young stems and synthesize food

e) contains cells that divide to produce new xylem and phloem

4. Suppose you chop down a plant in the woods and bring it home to examine. You cut a cross section of the stem and you note that it has pith in the center. How would you classify this plant?

5. You encounter a shrubby-looking plant that you cannot tell if it has true wood or not. Upon cutting it open cross-sectionally, you note a layer of cork cambium. What does this tell you?

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
28 Mar 2019

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