28 Aug 2018

There are also traits that have more than two alleles, one example of which is the ABO blood system that determines your dominant blood type. Most of you should know what type of blood you are. In the ABO blood system alleles A and B are co-dominant, and the O allele is recessive to A and B. Blood type A (phenotype) is found in individuals with genotypes AA or AO, while blood type B is found in individuals with genotypes BB or BO. The "O" blood type is only found in individuals with the genotype OO, and the blood type AB can ONLY be found in an individual with the genotype AB.

In this series of questions, you are working as a technician for the Maury Povich television show, and you need to determine the paternity of Sheila's baby. Sheila has blood type AB.

The first candidate for the father, Tony, has a known blood type of AO (type A blood). Which of the following Punnett squares illustrates the possible blood types of Sheila and Tony's offspring?

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
30 Aug 2018

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