
My instructor sent me this in an email to study for a final.Please help me construct the best possible answer for this as Ihave not written a satisfactory answer to the first question allsemester.

1) As you know the final does include a comprehensive componentregarding the gene and genome. (80 pts)

This first question has to be extremely detailed. For example,"A gene is a unit of inheritance. The gene carries information forit to be passed from one generation to the next. When you combine agene with the environment you are five the necessities for aphenotype. There are many gene types and elements such as the genesfor RNAs that carry information to make proteins, genes fortransfer RNAs that carry amino acids to the ribosomes, genes forribosomal RNAs that are required for structure, function andactivities of a ribosome, genes for small nuclear RNAs that make upthe spliceosome and help to splice introns, and the genes fortelomerase RNA component (TERC). A gene must also include manyparts such as introns, exons, core promoters, regulatory promoters,activators, downstream promoter enzymes (DPE), and many others.These parts of the genes as well as the different gene types mustallow for some variation in certain conditions to allow evolutionto occur. A gene must also be able to be passed on, or inheritedfrom one generation to the next." Figures and drawings are alsoappreciated by my instructor. If you could basically just throweverything you can think of within a gene or a genome at thisquestion that would be greatly appreciated.

2) You will also need to study genetic mapping, DNA as a digitalstorage device, X chromosome inactivation and synthetic biology.(35 pts)

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
29 Sep 2019

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