
Essay Inquiry about Disease Hypothesis

Thereis an unforseen epidemic spreading. This disease is characterizedby an increase of birth defects early in development affecting awide range of species from fruit flies,poultry,primates etc.... theillness may exhibit different mechanisms of disease in differentspecies. The early stages ofthe outbreak harbers little solid research to direct aninvestigation but some early testing indicates the presence of anew virus in infected patients. Government agencies have inquiredyou to come up with several hypotheses about the cause of thisdisease.

Developexactly 3 hypotheses. For each hypothesis you must explainthe gene or genes affected as specifically as possible and shouldalso explain the involvement of the virus and any cell types thatare particularly important. Make these hypotheses logical, to thepoint, and extremely different from each other to give researchersworldwide as many possibilities to investigate as possible.Eachhypothesis should be 2 (max 3) sentences inlength.

Each Hypothesis must:
1.) Present a logical and distinctexplanation of the unique mutation
2.) Explain the role of thevirus
3.) Explain the distinct effect on thegenes of the infected species
4.) Contain a very different mechanismcompared to the other two hypotheses

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
29 Sep 2019

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