
1. You have been studying a population of bluebirds. You visitedthe site each summer and counted the number of birds. Your data areas follows:

Year Birds
2003 205
2004 240
2005 265
2006 281

What was ? (lambda) in 2004, 2005, 2006?

2004: lambda=?

2005: lambda=?

2006: lambda=?

2. Suppose you are reading a scientific paper that comparesseveral insect populations in a prairie. You see the followingtable:

Species ?
Grasshopper 1.07
Monarch Butterfly 0.86
Leaf Hopper 1.15
Bumblebee 1.00
Honeybee 0.75

Which populations are increasing insize?

Which are decreasing?

Which are stable?

Will you ever see a ? less than zero?Why?

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
28 Sep 2019

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