
Answer the following and provide a BRIEF/SHORT explanation for each:

A. Why do humans have a plateau phase in the action potentials of the cardiomyocytes of the bundle of His, Purkinje Fibers and the Ventricular walls, that results in a large absolute refractory period?

B. What causes the plateau phase in the action potential of the cardiomyocytes reffered in A? (In other words: What is the closed or open status of the particular ion channel and what is the relevant ion responsible?)

C. While using dot points, briefly describe how a sphygmomanometer is used to measure blood pressure. Note: Focus on the action of the cuff on the vasculature of the arm to explain your point.

D. In 2 sentences, briefly describe how the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems alter the rate of the SA node depolarisation.

E. Why is the 'Pacemaker' potential of the AV and SA node cardiomyocytes unstable? (i.e. what is the molecular basis of the said instability?)

F. What ions are responsible for the depolarization phase in (a) cardiomyocytes of the AV and SA nodes; and (b) the other cardiomyocytes?

G. In short, what two factors affect mean arterial blood pressure?

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019

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