

QUESTION 1. Chronic diseases generally have several underlying characteristics, including a.A long latency period between exposure to risk and disease outcomes b. Low degree of preventability c. High curve rate d.None of the above

QUESTION 2.Which of the following risk factors collectively explain a significant proportion (not incidence) of most chronic diseases. a.Tobacco, alcohol, diet b.Tobacco, alcohol, diet, physical activity c. Alcohol, physical activity d.Tobacco, diet, physical activity

QUESTION 3.Adherence to treatment is influenced by several interacting dimensions including a.Social and economic factors b. Healthcare system factors c.Condition-related factors d.Therapy-related factors e.Patient related factors f.All of the above

QUESTION 4. _________ is the leading cause of cancer in both developed and developing countries worlwide a.Radiation exposure b. Tobacco use c.Pesticide exposure d.Air pollution

QUESTION 5.This week's YouTube video on treating non-communicable diseases in Rwanda showed how a community health worker helps to treat heart disease, diabetes and _______ a.Cancer b.Asthma c.Hepatitis d.HIV/AIDS

QUESTION 6.Which of these are myths of chronic disease control a.Benefits of chronic disease control accrue not only to the individual but also to the population b.Economic growth improves all health conditions c. Chronic diseases are associated with low SES/poverty d.Chronic disease only occurs in the elderly e.a and c f.b and d

QUESTION 7 ___________ remains the leading cause of death among both men and women in low- and middle-income countries a.Cancer b.Cardiovascular disease c. Diabetes d.Obesity e.Respiratory disease

QUESTION 8.Chronic disease in adults accounts for approximately 60% of all deaths worldwide. True False

QUESTION 9.The WHO's Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions Framework includes a positive policy environment. True False

QUESTION 10.It is estimated that the overall number of cancer cases will rise by 50% in the next 20 years. True False

QUESTION 11.Comorbidity refers to simultaneous occurrence in a person of two or more disorders; comorbid conditions can increase the risk of adverse outcomes. True False

QUESTION 12.Emerging evidence supports starting promotion efforts during pregnancy and early childhood and continuing efforts throughout life lower exposures to major chronic disease risk factors. True False

QUESTION 13. Increased cumulative exposure to risk factors over the lifecourse combined with social and economic inequalities, leads to the levels of inequalities seen in later adult life. True False

QUESTION 14.The "compression of morbidity" model proposes that morbidity due to aging cannot be postponed or mitigated by disease prevention programs True False

QUESTION 15.There is few significant funding sources for chronic diseases in low-and middle-income countries. True False

QUESTION 16.To combat chronic diseases, modern, evidence-based interventions emphasize shared decision making and collaborative goal setting among providers and patients. True False

QUESTION 17.In the absence of legislative, financial and engineering approaches, health education programs often have a limited impact on preventing or reducing chronic diseases. True False

QUESTION 18. It is estimated that deaths from diet-related chronic disease in China will triple between 1995 and 2025. True False

QUESTION 19.The third highest percent of global DALY's is attributed to which risk factor? a.Alcohol use b.Tobacco use c.Unsafe sex d.Childhood underweight

QUESTION 20.In the 1990's which country experienced a substantial decline in male life expectancy as a result of dramatic socio-political changes a.China b.Russia c. India d.Canada

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
28 Sep 2019
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