
Fill in the words or phrases that best complete each sentence. Be as specific as possible. thank you!

f. During embryonic development, ninety-nine percent of the cardiac fibers are specialized for the function called----------------- , whereas the remainder is specialized for----------------------- .

g. The action potential delay at the------------------------------- ensures that atrial excitation and contraction are complete before -------------------------- excitation and contraction commence.

h. The ------------------ is the volume of blood in the ventricle after ejection has been completed. An increase of this volume occurs when the stroke volume is------------------------ .

i. The three cations, K+, Ca2+, and Na+ have an important effect of heart function. Increased blood levels of Na+ blocks --------------------- inflow and results in a decrease in the force of contraction, while an excess of ----------------------- blocks the generation of action potentials.

j. An increase in parasympathetic activity has the following effect on stroke volume:-------------------- . An increase in parasympathetic activity ---------------------- atrial contractility.

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019

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