
Case Study Section 2 – glycolysis
Based on “Monday at the Metabolic Clinic, Adventures in Glycolysis” by Nancy Boury (National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science)

You have been chosen for a very competitive undergraduate clinical internship at St. Visintainer’s Hospital and Metabolic Clinic working with Dr. Saccharo, an expert in enzyme deficiency disorders related to glycolysis. Before your first day Dr. Saccharo has asked that you review the reactions of glycolysis and the concept of isoenzymes.

Recall that isoenzymes are groups of enzymes that catalyze the same reaction in that they use the same reactants to product the same products. They may have different genes, tissue expression, developmental timing of expression, and affinities for their substrates. As an example, phosphofructokinase-1 has 3 isoenzyme forms: PFK-L is expressed in the liver and the gene is found on chromosome 21; PFK-M is expressed in the muscle and the gene is found on chromosome 12; and PFK-P is expressed in platelets and the gene is found on chromosome 10.

Patient 1:
Ann is a teenager and avid golfer who was referred to the clinic after being refused at the blood drive and tiring easily on the high school golf course during practice. Ann is examined and a blood sample was obtained for analysis of a glycolysis related metabolic panel. The results of her panel is below (levels: + = normal, - = decreased; ++= increased):
Blood Metabolic Panel
Blood Glucose +
Glucose-6-phosphate ++
Fructose-6-phosphate ++
Fructose-1,6,bisphosphate ++
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate ++
1,3-bisphosphoglycerate ++
Phosphoenolpyruvate ++
Pyruvate -
Red Blood Cell Concentration -

Question 2:
Assuming that Dr. Saccharo is correctly assuming that Ann has a defect in glycolysis, what glycolytic enzyme is the most likely to have the defect based on the blood metabolic profile?
A. Hexokinase
B. Phosphofructokinase
C. Triose Phosphate Isomerase
D. Pyruvate Kinase
E. Aldolase

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
28 Sep 2019
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