
1.Which of the following is not true about DNA? a) it is found both in the nucleus and the cytoplasm b)it is double stranded and the standards are connected by hydrogen bonds between the base pairs c) A purine base always pairs with a pyrimidine base to make up the DNA code d) it is the control center for both cell activity and heredity 2.Which of the following represents accurate base pairing in DNA ?a) Adenine to Adenine b)Adenine to Uracil c)Thymine to Cytosine d)Adenine to Thymine 3. Purines and Pyrimidines are found a) DNA only b)RNA only c) A and B d)In proteins 4.The bond that forms between carbohydrates is called a)peptide bond b) ester bond c) glycoside bond d)never ending bone 5. Which of the following does not dissolve readily in water? a)proteins b) amono acids c) steroids d) carbohydrates 6. The following arrangement of amino acids represents what level of structure ? ABACABDD a)Primary b)Secondary c)Tertiary d)Quaternary

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Sep 2019
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