
1. In order for blood to always flow unidirectionally through a closed circulatory system, the ________.

a. capillaries must have a thick endothelium

b. arteries must be elastic

c.pressure in all vessels must be equal

d.blood vessels farthest from the heart must have valves

2. Which one of the following does not correctly match the form with its function?

a. roots: water and minerals in the soil are absorbed
b. phloem sap: products of photosynthesis are transported from roots to shoots
c. leaves: sugars are produced by photosynthesis

d. xylem sap: water and minerals are transported from shoots to roots

3. If you place flaccid plant cells in pure water, water ________ into cell because it has ________.

a. does not enter the cell; solutes and low water potential
b. enter the cell; solutes and high water potential
c. enter the cell; solutes and low water potential
d. does not enter the cell; solutes and high water potential

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
28 Sep 2019

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