
1. How many ATP are produced between the kreb cycle and glycolysis
a. 4
b. 24
c. 6-8
d. 2

2. The total molecules of ATP from each molecule of glucose is the entire cellular respiration process is (pg 160)
a. 36-38
b. 2-4
c. 6-8
d. 32-38

3. Calvin cycle uses the cellular energy and NADPH to produce _________ from carbon dioxide
a. energy
b. ATP
c. AMP
d. sugar

4. The site of photosynthesis in plants is called the__________
a. chromoplast
b. carotenoids
c. chloroplant
d. chlorophyll

5. T or F The Calvin cycle can also be called the dark cycle of reaction

6. T or F Prokaryotes lack chloroplast but they do have membranes that operates in the same manner

7. What is proton-motive force?
A) the force required to remove an electron from hydrogen
B) the force exerted on a proton by a transmembrane proton concentration gradient
C) the force that moves hydrogen into the intermembrane space
D) the force that moves hydrogen to NAD+
E) the force that moves hydrogen into the mitochondrion

8.In autotrophic bacteria, where are the enzymes located that can carry on carbon fixation (reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrate)?

A) in chloroplast membranes
B) in the infolded plasma membrane
C) in chloroplast stroma
D) in the cytosol
E) in the nucleoid

9.Organism that depend on an outside source to produce food for their consumption using the process of photosynthesis are called ______________
a. saprobes
b. chemoautotrophs
c. heterotrophs
d. mixotrophs

10.In many chemical reactions, there is a transfer of one or more electrons from one reactant to another transfers of electron are called________
a. oxidation
b. reduction
c. redox action
d. metabolism

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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
28 Sep 2019

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