
Problem A. You cross two homozygous parents: RRYY (round yellow) and rryy (wrinkled green) to produce an F1 generation. Round seeds are dominant, yellow seeds are dominant. You cross two F1s to produce the F2 generation. In the F2 generation, you find an individual with round yellow seeds. You do a testcross to find out the genotype of this “mystery” dominant/dominant phenotype. In the offspring of the cross, you find 1?2 have round yellow seeds and 1?2 have wrinkled yellow seeds.
1. Based on these data what was the genotype of the mystery F2?

Problem B. You carry out a dihybrid cross between a red-flowered rose with long pollen grains (A1A1 LL) and a white-flowered rose with round pollen (A2A2 l l). The flower color gene (A) shows incomplete dominance, and long pollen is completely dominant to round pollen. The genes for these traits are on different chromosomes so assort independently
2. What would be the phenotypes of the F1 generation?
3. What fraction of the F2 generation is expected to have red flowers and long pollen? (As always when traits are independent, what rule can you apply to save time?)

Problem D. In the example of epistasis presented in class, the agouti allele in mice (A) codes for striped hairs and is dominant to the allele for all black hairs (a). A loss-of-function allele for the pigment gene (b) produces no pigment and is recessive to the normal, dominant allele (B). The recessive allele at b masks the effect of the A gene. A dihybrid cross of AABB and aabb is carried out.
5. Name all of the genotypes in the F2 generation that can produce an albino (no pigment) phenotype.

Problem E. A cross is made between homozygous fruit flies that differ for eye color (the st gene) and
body color (the e gene). The F1 double heterozygote is shown below using chromosome notation.
st+ e
st e+
st = the recessive allele for scarlet eyes; st+ = the dominant wildtype allele for red eyes e = the recessive allele for ebony body; e+ is the dominant wildtype allele for gray body

6. Are the chromosomes shown in the genotype above in cis or trans configuration?
7. Based on this notation, what were the genotypes and phenotypes of the two parents of the F1? (Think carefully here...)
8. With what phenotype would you cross this F1 to measure recombination frequency?

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
28 Sep 2019
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