
As you may know from previous courses, gene transcription begins with the assembly of the transcriptional machinery (TFIIA-H proteins) at the core promoter of genes. Where do you think core promoters are more likely to be located? Nucleosome DNA or Linker DNA?

Go ahead and formulate a hypothesis on the more likely location of core promoters of genes in DNA, and defend it with molecular biology arguments (in other words, why would one or the other be a preferred location for core promoters, based on what you know about nucleosome DNA and linker DNA?).

Then, I want you to imagine that you have access to a standard molecular genetics lab, and I want you to propose an experimental test of your hypothesis. You don’t need to get too technical, just a description of how you would design an experiment that tests your hypothesis, indicating samples, treatments, and the measurements or readouts that that you plan to take. Your imaginary lab has the following equipment:

1) Antibodies for immunoprecipitation: these are molecules that can bind to several kinds of proteins, and allow you to physically pull them down (along with anything that is bound to them). In this case, imagine that you have access to antibodies that allow you to separate any proteins bound to DNA and isolate them along with any DNA bound to them!!

2)DNA sequencer: a machine that allows you to “read” the sequence of a given DNA sample.

3)Core promoter sequences: Information about what a typical core promoter sequence looks like.

So go ahead and design an experiment using any combination of one or more of the resources listed above, and do not forget to describe what results you expect to see, should your hypothesis be correct.

Your submission should be 200 words or fewer,

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
28 Sep 2019

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