
Fill in the blank assignment

Biological membranes are primarily formed from two types oforganic molecules, (16)______, composed of amino acids and(17)_____, composed of phosphates, glycerol and fatty acids.Membranes are (18)___ ____ to molecules allowing some to freelypass through and restricting or preventing the passage of others.Molecules may cross membranes on their own moving from areas ofhigher to lower concentration, with no expenditure of externalenergy, in a process called (19)____. Protein molecules that spanthe membrane may assist or carry other molecules across themembrane, (20)_____ _____, also from areas of higher to lowerconcentration. (21)____ _____ moves molecules across membranes fromareas of lower to higher concentration with the use of energy inthe form of ATP. As opposed to the process of passive transport,illustrated by answers (19) and (20), molecules move against their(22) ______ _______.

If you compare two situations on either side of a cellularmembrane, they are said to be (23)_____ if their soluteconcentrations are equal. Solutions that have higher soluteconcentrations are (24)_____ when compared to solutions with lowersolute concentrations, (25)______. If molecules or substances aretoo large to pass through membranes on their own or with the use ofprotein carriers, vesicles may help to move these materials in orout of the cell as vesicles fuse with or pinch off membranes. This(26)____ ____ of materials is called (27)____ if materials aremoved into cells. The transport of lage solids or "cell-eating" is(28)_____. Entry of liquids is termed (29)____ or "cell drinking."Movement of materials out of the cell is (30)_____.

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
28 Sep 2019

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