1. A) Describe what SexualSelection is and B) explain how it differs fromNatural Selection
2. Research a behavior in an animal andA) explain the ultimate causes of that behaviorand B) list the proximate causes of it.
3. âThe southern gastric broodingfrog was discovered in 1972 and properly described in 1981. Intenseinterest followed and in the same year it had disappeared in thewild, shortly followed by the last captive specimen's death in1983. The interest was primarily due to the frog's unusualreproductive method. The female swallows her eggs and turns herstomach into a womb, vomiting up her young when they are grown. Theloss of her stomach means she doesn't eat while they develop, andher new womb bloats so much it causes her lungs to collapse(meaning she has to breathe through her skin). On the other handanother species of frog, the Túngara frog, lay their eggs in a pondand leaves them to develop on their own without any parental careâ( - like). A)Compare the gastric brooding frog and the Túngara in terms of howthey balance the trade-off of quality vs. quantity of offspring(are they each K-selected or r-selected?). B) Whatother life-history traits (include: life span, number of offspringproduced, age at reproduction, reproductive events per lifetime) doyou expect to find differences between gastric brooding frog or theTúngara frog? Explain.
4. A) Explain why one can argue that humanswere K-selected species before the industrial revolution and now inmodern times see to be r-selected (in your explanation include theterms: carrying capacity, rate of population growth).B) However, in developed countries, the number ofoffspring produced per couple is decreasing every year, the age offirst time mothers in increasing (they are older when they havetheir first baby) and the cost of investment per offspring isincreasing (for example college tuition!). Explain what effectwould that have in the model of population growth in developedcountries (do you expect them to be more K-selected or r-selected?)Make sure to support your argument. C)Can human population increase forever? (use the terms: carryingcapacity, population growth, density-dependent anddensity-independent factors).
5. Study the figure below (published in Kwanoet al. 2002). The x-axis of the figure shows different locations atdifferent altitudes, with altitude decreasing from left to right(W. Java has the highest altitude, W. Mindanao has the lowest). They-axis represents the range of body length for beetles found ateach location. Two species of closely related rhinoceros beetlesinhabit Southeast Asia: Chalcosoma caucasus andChalcosoma atlas. One species, C. atlas (whiteboxes in the figure), is more common in low altitude, while C.caucasus (filled boxes in the figure) is more common in higheraltitudes. However, they overlap at intermediate altitude (fromLampung to E. Thailand). The graph shows the body length of eachspecies in allopatric and sympatric locations. What ecologicalphenomenon can explain the differences between the allopatric (whenonly one species lives in that location) and sympatric (when bothspecies live in the same location) populations? Please explain yourargument, you MUST include the terms: competition, competitiveexclusion, realized niche, fundamental niche, resource-partitioning& character displacement).
1. A) Describe what SexualSelection is and B) explain how it differs fromNatural Selection
2. Research a behavior in an animal andA) explain the ultimate causes of that behaviorand B) list the proximate causes of it.
3. âThe southern gastric broodingfrog was discovered in 1972 and properly described in 1981. Intenseinterest followed and in the same year it had disappeared in thewild, shortly followed by the last captive specimen's death in1983. The interest was primarily due to the frog's unusualreproductive method. The female swallows her eggs and turns herstomach into a womb, vomiting up her young when they are grown. Theloss of her stomach means she doesn't eat while they develop, andher new womb bloats so much it causes her lungs to collapse(meaning she has to breathe through her skin). On the other handanother species of frog, the Túngara frog, lay their eggs in a pondand leaves them to develop on their own without any parental careâ( - like). A)Compare the gastric brooding frog and the Túngara in terms of howthey balance the trade-off of quality vs. quantity of offspring(are they each K-selected or r-selected?). B) Whatother life-history traits (include: life span, number of offspringproduced, age at reproduction, reproductive events per lifetime) doyou expect to find differences between gastric brooding frog or theTúngara frog? Explain.
4. A) Explain why one can argue that humanswere K-selected species before the industrial revolution and now inmodern times see to be r-selected (in your explanation include theterms: carrying capacity, rate of population growth).B) However, in developed countries, the number ofoffspring produced per couple is decreasing every year, the age offirst time mothers in increasing (they are older when they havetheir first baby) and the cost of investment per offspring isincreasing (for example college tuition!). Explain what effectwould that have in the model of population growth in developedcountries (do you expect them to be more K-selected or r-selected?)Make sure to support your argument. C)Can human population increase forever? (use the terms: carryingcapacity, population growth, density-dependent anddensity-independent factors).
5. Study the figure below (published in Kwanoet al. 2002). The x-axis of the figure shows different locations atdifferent altitudes, with altitude decreasing from left to right(W. Java has the highest altitude, W. Mindanao has the lowest). They-axis represents the range of body length for beetles found ateach location. Two species of closely related rhinoceros beetlesinhabit Southeast Asia: Chalcosoma caucasus andChalcosoma atlas. One species, C. atlas (whiteboxes in the figure), is more common in low altitude, while C.caucasus (filled boxes in the figure) is more common in higheraltitudes. However, they overlap at intermediate altitude (fromLampung to E. Thailand). The graph shows the body length of eachspecies in allopatric and sympatric locations. What ecologicalphenomenon can explain the differences between the allopatric (whenonly one species lives in that location) and sympatric (when bothspecies live in the same location) populations? Please explain yourargument, you MUST include the terms: competition, competitiveexclusion, realized niche, fundamental niche, resource-partitioning& character displacement).