
1. What is the difference between heat and temperature?
a. [Heat is the transfer of thermal energy and temperature is themeasurement of that energy transfer]
b. [Heat is the measurement of energy transfer and temperature isthe transfer of thermal energy]
c. [Heat and temperature mean the same thing - the transfer ofthermal energy]

2. What is "internal kinetic energy"?
a. [Moving energy that you cannot see with the naked eye (akamicroscopic)]
b. [Moving energy that you can see with the naked eye (akamacroscopic)]
c. [All forms of energy]

3. What is "internal potential energy"?
a. [Stored energy that you cannot see with the naked eye (akamicroscopic)]
b. [Stored energy that you can see with the naked eye (akamacroscopic)]
c. [All forms of energy]

4. What the difference is between "thermal energy" and"heat"?
a. [Thermal energy and heat mean the same thing. There is nodifference between them.]
b. [Heat results from thermal energy by either a change in phase ora difference in temperature.]
c. [Thermal energy results from heat either by a change in phase ora difference in temperature.]

5. In ionic bonding, one or more valence electrons aretransferred from one atom to another. When this transfer occurs,the receiving atom is now __________ charged.
a. [Positively charged]
b. [Negatively charged]
c. [Neutrally charged]

6. The solid state of ice is less dense than its liquidstate.
a. [True] b. [False]

7. Concrete has a higher heat capacity than water.
a. [True] b. [False]

8. Thermohaline circulation is driven by:
a. [Density] b. [Gravity] c. [Latitude] d. [Temperature] e.[Wind]

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
28 Sep 2019

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