
1. Ifan endangered species such as the Santa Ana River wooly star wereto become extinct, what effects might this have on otherspecies?

2. Whatdo J- and S- shaped population curves indicate about the life spanof an organism?

3. Doescompetitive exclusion limit the diversity within a givencommunity?

4. Whyare field studies, such as the monitoring of owls, important in thestudy of ecology?

5. Howdoes mutualism differ from commensalism?

6. Whateffect did the agricultural revolution have on the growth of thehuman population?

7. Whatdoes the demographic transition model say about the birth and deathrates?

8. Inyour opinion, is a zero population growth rate possible?

9. Whatcritical factors could affect the age structure diagram?

10. Do youbelieve that the human population can stabilize without widespreadstarvation, war or epidemics?

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
28 Sep 2019

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