
1. A person is described as a carrier for a particular genetic disease. What does this tell you about their genotype?

2. For any given gene, the principle of independent segregation predicts that each gamete produced as a result of meiosis will contain ____________________

3. A pair of alleles is said to be heterozygous when:

4. In a diploid species, cells can have up to ___ alleles of a particular gene.

5. In a cross between a homozygous dominant parent and a homozygous recessive parent, the number of phenotypic classes observed in the offspring is ______

6. For a person of genotype Xx, the genotype of their gametes may be ______________

7. In a "test cross", an individual of unknown genotype is crossed with a ___ individual to determine the unknown genotype.

8. An albino woman has a child with a phenotypically normal man with no family history of albinism (which is a rare recessive disorder). What percentage of their children are likely to be albino?

9. An individual with the dominant phenotype, but an unknown genotype, is test-crossed, and all of the offspring exhibit the dominant phenotype. The genotype of the unknown individual is ______________

10. If two heterozygous individuals for a recessive disease (carriers) have a child, what is the chance that their child will develop the disease?

11. In a monohybrid cross between two true-breeding parents that both exhibit the dominant phenotype, ___ percent of the offspring will exhibit the recessive phenotype.

12. In a particular type of tomato plant, red fruit is dominant over yellow fruit, and dwarf height is a recessive trait. If two heterozygous plants were crossed, what proportion of the offspring would show the dominant phenotype?

13. In a cross between a BbRr individual and a BBRR one, what do the following represent: BR, Br, bR, br?

14. In humans, the gene that determines whether an embryo develops as a male or a female is carried on _____________

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
28 Sep 2019
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