
Hypothetically, lets suppose that the Ebola Virus mutated insuch away that its ability to reproduce in our bodies slows byseveral orders of magnitude. The pathogenicity and virulence of thevirus is the same, it is still as deadly and can kill us a few daysafter symptoms appear. However, because of the delay inreplication, we do not experience any symptoms for at least 4-5days post-infection. Explain the relationship between this newstrain of Ebola virus and what is known as the 'Malthusian Trap",which is a theory developed by the Economist Thomas Malthus whichstates, "that populations tend to increase faster, at a geometrical(exponential) ratio, than the means of subsistence, which increasesat an arithmetical ratio and that this will result in an inadequatesupply of the goods". Thus, Malthus early on saw the problem ofover-population. In your answer, (i) discuss the 'Malthasian Trap',(ii) discuss one reason why this novel Ebola strain would allow us,as a population, to be 'trapped' based on Malthus' theory, (iii)and describe why the new strain of Ebola would allow us, as apopulation, to escape the trap based on Malthus' conclusions.

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
28 Sep 2019
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